Xplorex System
This fully dynamic web site Xplorex.com is based on XML technologies to provide unparalleled customization options.
Currently the system has grown to an ASP system that provides clients with customized fully functional solutions featuring e-commerce engine.
This project was done for Xplorex Systems, Inc (Canada). This rapidly-growing technological powerhouse was established in July of 2001, and currently delivers brilliant web-based solutions to businesses located in 7 countries across the globe.
Product Features
The Xplorex ASP structure contains several independent modules, including front-end system that provides end-user web interface, and back-end part for administration.
Xplorex implements a model where each site (an ASP clone) has its own virtual host and a separate database. Besides Xplorex has one database for global ASP parameters. At client request to access the web site, the required clone is detected and client is provided with a connection to the correspondent database and settings.
Xplorex SP Server enables service providers (eg. ISP's) to deliver instantly the Xplorex Web System, a complete web and wireless solution to a large number of service subscribers in any language at a very low cost. It is by far the fastest and the user friendliest solution for service providers available on the market. 3rd party developers can program server application modules.
Xplorex Web System is the product that the end subscriber actually gets from the service provider. It is a feature-reach, self-managed e-commerce web site provided on subscription basis, and supported by easy-to-use, non-technical administration system and publishing tools.
Xplorex WAE Server enables Wide Area Enterprises to instantly provide their units, dealers, partners etc with easy to maintain complete e-business solutions (Xplorex WAE client) included into one manageable network, thus eliminating the necessity of independent development which is both time and resource consuming. Site of each unit fits the corporate style of the whole network and contains both local and centrally offered content.
Site administration tools
Administration of web site (clone) settings such as
- Front-end settings
- Start page settings
- Registration settings
- Clone settings
- Admin module settings
- Managing registered administrators and their rights
- Web site administration history
- Admin start page (to do's)
- Administration of web site style sheets
- System statistics for content and users
- Managing mail lists
- Graphics customization
- Banner management system
- Customized menu and static content administration
User administration tools
- User / media users administration
- Disabling / enabling certain IP addresses
- Editorial administration
Content administration tools
- Headlines (articles) administration
- Media headlines (media articles) administration
- Admin Pages (customized static content) administration
- Managing categories
- Event of the day administration
- Gallery administration
- "Did you know" section administration
- Newswire administration
- Start page content administration
- Contest administration
Tools and Technologies
Platform: Red Hat Linux / Windows 2000 Server
Database: MySQL / MS SQL Server
Web Server: Apache / Internet Information Services
Application Server: Jakarta Tomcat
Mail Server: qmail / MS Exchange
Language: Java / ASP, ASPX
Technologies: WML, SMS
Performance: 1,000 concurrent users
Effort: 50 man-months